Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Classical Music

I am now convinced that there is no more brilliant and inarguable mode of self expression than through instrumental music. Talk, talk play, play, has never turned my head. I've always listened to the music itself. I have long supected this, on a differeent plane. any vocal interuption is surely to be interpreted as something other than intended by the writer, and is simply wasteful; regardless of how close to the origional point it actually is. (see recent pope speech quoting 14th century whoever). when something is purely musical, as mozart, Bach, ......the Mahavishnu Orchestra, or The Sayers' most recent release, there is nothing to discuss. The music is just there. It tells the story. Unlike literature, there is no dude to say that 'the way it makes you feel' "is wrong," or "right."

Down with vocals, up with the musicianship!!!!

Beet stew!
