Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Creepometer is Being Heavily Taxed.

Recently, my roomate Paul (a.k.a. the Jesus) and I installed a pull-up bar in our stairwell. This is a good thing. Right now, every time I go down the stairs, and my hands are free, I do 5 pull-ups. Hopefully, I will keep this up. Anyways, as I have a thing for monkeys, and liken myself to one, I figured I would get a picture of myself swinging from the bar as a testament to my appreciation of my forefathers and their struggles as they left the trees of Africa and dragged their knuckles on the ground all the way north to Europe. However, what was initially supposed to be a funny picture of my ape-like self, actually turned out to be proof that I am going straight to hell, as I am apparently fully posessed by a demon. The look on my face in this picture is literally so fucking creepy, I had to tone it down with some medieval german architectural anti-demon-decoration.


Toe-Knee, 1-10? You are the official creepometer official.