Sunday, July 09, 2006

2 Blocks Is a Long Way In Rolla.

I was just sitting here, as I do so often when I decide to spend the weekend here instead of my hometown, the STL. I thought to myself; hey, its 12:45, I think I wanna beer. So, I walked up to the 66 up the street and bought myself a two-by-four. That's Rolla/(whatever else) for a 24 oz. can of beer. The funny/creepy thing is that I actually called it a 2X4 in my head. The beer itself is somewhat enjoyable, but what tickles my ass so much more is the fact that I am so 'Rollafied' (credit to Paul Monroe, the Roomie for that term). I was literally laughing the whole way home about my 2X4, and the exchange of "y'all's," etc. at the 66. I could imagine, that for the 3 people that actually read this shit, this is a boring post..... Well, Jack, Claire and Josh....... Howdy and yeeeeehaw!

This is my bloggy, and I' trailer trash if I want to.

Oh yeah,

Paul, I know you read this shit at the station. I'm gonna go get the wookie all riled up and lock him in your room. Don't fucking wake me up when he attacks you at 6 am.

the wookie rules this, and three other universes. Ask him about it, I dare you.