Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sehnsucht ist so grausam. RE-Post

I figured I'd put this Heine up in English. It's not Heine-pure, but Heine for-sure: The translation ist interesting, but successfully conveys the point. If you want more German lierature (i.e. stark realism), get you some of Georg Büchner's "Woyczeck," or Gerhardt Hauptmann's "Bahnwärter Thiel." This is German literaure at it's best. My favorite piece is stll Theodor Storm's "Der Schimmelreiter." Without further adue....

Heinrich Heine's "Das Weib"

They both embarked on a loving spree,
She was a crook and so was he.
After the smallest prank that he committed,
She threw herself on the bed and giggled.
The days went by with joy and lust,
At night she laid upon his chest.
The very day he was imprisoned,
She stood by the window and giggled.

Please come to me, he let her hear,
I long so much for you, my dear.
I call you , I am despaired -
She shook her head and giggled.

At the sixth hour of the morning, he hung in disgrace,
At the seventh hour, he was sent to his resting place;
As the strokes of eight could be heard,
She already drank red wine and giggled.